Cédric Damioli | 9f8f4f6d5e7 | MOBILEAPP-86 no forum activity | | MOBILEAPP-86 |
Cédric Damioli | 63e06319df4 | MOBILEAPP-85 Workspaces events link always to fr | | MOBILEAPP-85 |
Cédric Damioli | 5047006d158 | MOBILEAPP-80 Sort projects in notification panel | | MOBILEAPP-80 |
Kepa Bourgoin | 38ae0a55a0b | WORKSPACES-1693 Refactor file module comments model to new API | | WORKSPACES-1693 |
Caroline Bayle | 00483c3455a | Remove easy warnings | | |
Laurence Aumeunier | 3b9ffb2c782 | Autogenerated | | |
Thalya Corré | 64865a10edf | RUNTIME-4028 migrate plugin.xml to 4.8 syntax follow-up | | RUNTIME-4028 |
Caroline Bayle | 7a0f85c7345 | [Project activities] Remove useless dependency | | |
Kepa Bourgoin | 34a0ef35031 | MOBILEAPP-69 Queries and home page should be per-site | | MOBILEAPP-69 |
Raphaël Franchet | 95d31686fa8 | MOBILEAPP-74 Invalid tokens should be removed | | MOBILEAPP-74 |
Kepa Bourgoin | 97a52b370bd | MOBILEAPP-67 Enhance the login screen | | MOBILEAPP-67 |
Kepa Bourgoin | 8d8b49d5762 | MOBILEAPP-59 Do not ask the site name | | MOBILEAPP-59 |
Kepa Bourgoin | 62dfca966d5 | MOBILEAPP-68 Push tokens are not removed upon disconnection | | MOBILEAPP-68 |
Kepa Bourgoin | 12f4ed3b0f6 | MOBILEAPP-74 Invalid tokens should be removed | | MOBILEAPP-74 |
Kepa Bourgoin | fa4b2f0d10c | MOBILEAPP-73 Notification tokens are cleared on login | | MOBILEAPP-73 |
Kepa Bourgoin | a2722179f3e | MOBILEAPP-65 Push notifications for workspaces are not sent anymore | | MOBILEAPP-65 |
Raphaël Franchet | d258f2501dc | MOBILEAPP-65 Push notifications for workspaces are not sent anymore | | MOBILEAPP-65 |
Bérénice Maurel | 6ccd95e6e57 | CMS-11797 [SearchModel] Add a PDF export button | | CMS-11797 |
Raphaël Franchet | 51a763752b6 | Autogenerated | | |
Caroline Bayle | 8e49a429dc4 | CMS-11698 Remove ResultField interface | | CMS-11698 |
Caroline Bayle | 5ba2b7537d9 | CMS-11698 Remove ResultField interfaceRevert unwanted commit on master | | CMS-11698 |
Caroline Bayle | edf9cf6bc60 | CMS-11698 Remove ResultField interface | | CMS-11698 |
laurence | b32636d1b74 | Autogenerated | | |
Guillaume Gouin | dd14cf9edfa | RUNTIME-3766 Allow LogoutCapable to redirect | | RUNTIME-3766 |
Laurence Aumeunier | d8df1c4f71c | MOBILEAPP-60 Impossible de create service for mobileapp | | MOBILEAPP-60 |
Guillaume Gouin | 1a8ebd2bbab | WORKSPACES-1425 generate an event at activity creation | | WORKSPACES-1425 |
laurence | 7ba23883e6b | Autogenerated | | |
Guillaume Gouin | 09554553082 | REPOSITORY-500 Back the activity event with an AmetysObject | | REPOSITORY-500 |
Raphaël Franchet | e7ceb4e93b0 | MOBILEAPP-53 Add more description for webview url param | | MOBILEAPP-53 |
Raphaël Franchet | 39e7d9c5ac5 | Autogenerated | | |
Raphaël Franchet | 410c2953715 | Autogenerated | | |
Cédric Damioli | c2a8361c295 | Autogenerated | | |
Caroline Bayle | f46613ff199 | CMS-11224 [Content] Change all dates metadata from Date to ZonedDateTime | | CMS-11224 |
laurence | de2ad45df3e | Autogenerated | | |
Cédric Damioli | 6fabcf9b288 | Upgrade libs | | |
Laurence Aumeunier | 3a4a8e3db8a | MOBILEAPP-48 ProjectEventObserver logs an error when adding anattachment to a page | | MOBILEAPP-48 |
laurence | 1a9685c4de1 | Autogenerated | | |
Cédric Damioli | 04546cfaad8 | MOBILEAPP-45 NullPointer may happened on get-feeds-workspaces-items | | MOBILEAPP-45 |
Cédric Damioli | ce0cf22dba4 | MOBILEAPP-43 Exception on get-feeds-workspaces-items ClassCastException | | MOBILEAPP-43 |
Cédric Damioli | d590a0ea552 | MOBILEAPP-44 Push notifications hang forever | | MOBILEAPP-44 |
Cédric Damioli | 204175af659 | MOBILEAPP-42 the expo dependency embed other external dependencies,conflicting with Ametys | | MOBILEAPP-42 |
Laurence Aumeunier | c622eb47d65 | WORKSPACES-1197 Add a mini site module for editorial pages | | WORKSPACES-1197 |
Bérénice Maurel | 573076009ce | MOBILEAPP-41 Service to display ioslink is displaying google link in theios link | | MOBILEAPP-41 |
Kepa Bourgoin | 61fa2cbf28d | WORKSPACES-1168 Migrate calendar from explorer into workspaces | | WORKSPACES-1168 |
Bérénice Maurel | a1037ec968b | MOBILEAPP-39 Add a global parameter home_webview and return it in theweb-service get-theme | | MOBILEAPP-39 |
Raphaël Franchet | f9f6a4c03bc | Autogenerated | | |
Cédric Damioli | 44b8ac04b4a | Autogenerated | | |
Cédric Damioli | ea017fef1c9 | MOBILEAPP-36 Add more log when sending push notification | | MOBILEAPP-36 |
Loïc Bouchet | 5f4c26dea34 | WORKSPACES-858 Add Task API to workspaces | | WORKSPACES-858 |
Raphaël Franchet | 0ca58a9825a | Autogenerated | | |