Web portals
  1. Web portals

Proxied content

AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Raphaël FranchetRaphaël Franchet
Bérénice MaurelBérénice Maurel
483418d20a0CMS-12138 Remove cms namespace declaration when unusedCMS-12138
Cédric DamioliCédric Damioli
Cédric DamioliRaphaël FranchetCédric Damioli
8c8c4464b75RUNTIME-3703 Create tool to display the status of automatic upgradesRUNTIME-3703
Raphaël FranchetRaphaël Franchet
Raphaël FranchetRaphaël Franchet
Cédric DamioliCédric Damioli
4322d4bea6aEXTUSERMGT-1 Create the new "Extra User Management" pluginEXTUSERMGT-1
Cédric DamioliCédric Damioli
0c8d317a508Upgrade dependencies
Bérénice MaurelBérénice Maurel
3870b8b5fa5REPOSITORY-476 JCR script migration: failOnOldData if no migrationdefinedREPOSITORY-476
Raphaël FranchetRaphaël Franchet
Raphaël FranchetRaphaël Franchet
418b2d9dd57DELIVER-306 Enhance the way that allow plugins to fail on used i18n keysActivate on some small pluginsDELIVER-306
Raphaël FranchetRaphaël Franchet
19533619848DELIVER-303 All ivy configurations have to be the same in all pluginsDELIVER-303
Raphaël FranchetRaphaël Franchet
ffcf422b15aDELIVER-303 All ivy configurations have to be the same in all pluginsDELIVER-303
Cédric DamioliCédric Damioli
220f3084161RUNTIME-3303 '/' and ':' are mishandled by URLEncode.encodePathRUNTIME-3303
Laurence AumeunierLaurence Aumeunier
Bérénice MaurelBérénice Maurel
a450c51bc10RUNTIME-3364 Automatic Migration : JCR-data implementationRUNTIME-3364
Pierre GrosBérénice MaurelPierre Gros
f1588951451RUNTIME-3364 Automatic Migration : JCR-data implementationRUNTIME-3364
Cédric DamioliCédric Damioli
3eb00958dc5wrong plugin version
Laurence AumeunierLaurence Aumeunier
Caroline BayleCaroline Bayle
541bb063b85CMS-9601 Remove parsing and use of the old service parameters APICMS-9601
Pierre GrosPierre Gros
b5b199c0a19CMS-9599 Remove the old ServiceActions javascript fileCMS-9599
Laurence AumeunierLaurence Aumeunier
Caroline BayleCaroline Bayle
49c397ebccePROXIEDCONTENT-16 Migrate revamping servicePROXIEDCONTENT-16
Cédric DamioliCédric Damioli
9dd6ae2d54fMerge pull request #1 in WEB/proxied-content from bugfix/PROXIEDCONTENT-12-cas-tickets-are-badly-appended to masterSquashed commit of the following: commit 2d8ca79f7a12f6c289009ada44427eee00fbd04e Author: Grégory Lefebvre <gregory.lefebvre@ametys.org> Date: Wed Nov 8 13:14:23 2017 +0000 PROXIEDCONTENT-12 CAS tickets are badly appended to an URL which already have parametersPROXIEDCONTENT-12
Raphaël FranchetRaphaël Franchet
9174ebee02eDELIVER-147 Have automatics dev modesDELIVER-147
Loïc BouchetLoïc Bouchet
33bdf39e775PROXIEDCONTENT-11 Proxy content service display doesn't work :encode:encode(url) doesn't exist anymorePROXIEDCONTENT-11
Raphaël FranchetRaphaël Franchet
Raphaël FranchetRaphaël Franchet
3916b7053caDELIVER-140 Move Ametys dependencies from local ivy.xml file toametys-components.xmlDELIVER-140
Raphaël FranchetRaphaël Franchet
3c08d6e9a2eDELIVER-135 Change ametys-components.xml and associated java DAODELIVER-136 The ivy organisation, module and descirption should be pushed DELIVER-137 Change all ivy.xml files DELIVER-138 Enhance common-build to take new ametys-components.xml4 Jira issues
Raphaël FranchetRaphaël Franchet
8d7ba1a301cDELIVER-139 Remove local build.properties file and edit build.xmlDELIVER-139
Raphaël FranchetRaphaël Franchet
6c6f36de415DELIVER-131 Move common-build.xml to add java sourcesDELIVER-131
Raphaël FranchetRaphaël Franchet
Grégory LefebvreGrégory Lefebvre
e9ea676450cRUNTIME-2399 Allow to add "external page via CAS" service only if apopulation uses CASRUNTIME-2399
Simon PrieulSimon Prieul
61af08b038fPROXIEDCONTENT-8 Add a service to embed an external page authenitcatedby CASPROXIEDCONTENT-8
Cédric DamioliCédric Damioli
ae20e92d131svnmerge properties
Grégory LefebvreGrégory Lefebvre
Raphaël FranchetRaphaël Franchet
Raphaël FranchetRaphaël Franchet
Cédric DamioliCédric Damioli
bb03a6811cbremove svnmerge from trunk
Cédric DamioliCédric Damioli
93a4d597440Bootstrap ->Tools
Raphaël FranchetRaphaël Franchet
4962cf3abc9Blocked revisions 42964 via svnmerge........ r42964 | raphael | 2016-08-04 09:48:35 +0200 (jeu., 04 ao?t 2016) | 1 line ........
Laurence AumeunierLaurence Aumeunier
36b2b4aec71RUNTIME-1986 Create a AmetysIcon font generated from SVG files RUNTIME-1986
Laurence AumeunierLaurence Aumeunier
d534bb6c774RUNTIME-1986 Create a AmetysIcon font generated from SVG filesRUNTIME-1986
Laurence AumeunierLaurence Aumeunier
2ab25fbd6b1RUNTIME-1973 The webfont "Flaticon" of the new Ametys theme is too intrusive with webfonts "Flaticon" of the projects skinRUNTIME-1973
Laurence AumeunierLaurence Aumeunier
c5833b064c4CMS-7379 Content types and services should import their own CSS files for their glyph iconsCMS-7379
Thibaut RizziThibaut Rizzi
a25b7047439add .settings to svn ignore