  1. Ametys


AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Cédric DamioliLaurence AumeunierCédric Damioli
008f756644cEXPLORER-526 Sort Explorer files handling numbers in file namesEXPLORER-526
Thalya CorréThalya Corré
977da60b6a3EXPLORER-527 Missing user's avatar in resource history toolEXPLORER-527
Bérénice MaurelBérénice Maurel
9e94434b98cREPOSITORY-535 Use JCRConstants everywhere it is possibleREPOSITORY-535
Cédric DamioliCédric Damioli
56463217fa0MOBILEAPP-86 no forum activityMOBILEAPP-86
Caroline BayleCaroline Bayle
1b62a8a8f8aRemove easy warnings
Kepa BourgoinKepa Bourgoin
5d0cde6edc8WORKSPACES-1693 Refactor file module comments model to new APIWORKSPACES-1693
Guillaume GouinGuillaume Gouin
76a678311fbEXPLORER-523 global mask when fetching explorer rootsEXPLORER-523
Raphaël FranchetRaphaël Franchet
3b012d332d8CMS-12199 Change Explorer button tooltipCMS-12199
Guillaume GouinGuillaume Gouin
a265e8896ffCMS-12194 Can't access user permission because of other site resourceCMS-12194
Cédric DamioliCédric Damioli
87f208c5356Upgrade 3rd party librairies
Guillaume GouinGuillaume Gouin
8db90fdccccCMS-12180 Preview of images in resources explorer does not work anymoreCMS-12180
Magali FranchetMagali Franchet
fae122f5efcCMS-12158 Update icon for delete and renameCMS-12158
Guillaume GouinLaurence AumeunierGuillaume Gouin
807cdede453EXPLORER-520 Restrict ResourceAccessController to explorer resourceEXPLORER-520
Thalya CorréMagali FranchetThalya Corré
4280bd65946WORKSPACES-1625 Change upload file from pipeline to callable in vueWORKSPACES-1625
Caroline BayleCaroline Bayle
6fb40557363Remove easy warnings
Laurence AumeunierLaurence Aumeunier
Guillaume GouinGuillaume Gouin
d41248d2358RUNTIME-3995 Include all permissions of a user in the user profiles toolRUNTIME-3995
Caroline BayleCaroline Bayle
82319ec1598REPOSITORY-524 Add lock token only once for modifications on AmetysObjREPOSITORY-524
Guillaume GouinGuillaume Gouin
27c74965540REPOSITORY-525 UserExpression doesn't support user multiple attributeREPOSITORY-525
Guillaume GouinGuillaume Gouin
35b195ae80eEXPLORER-519 The CMIS connector cannot display shared documentsEXPLORER-519
Laurence AumeunierLaurence Aumeunier
96c6c247044fix i18n
Guillaume GouinGuillaume Gouin
487b364fcfdRUNTIME-3938 Provide details in the tool explaining user rightsRUNTIME-3938
Thalya CorréThalya Corré
60b6246deadRUNTIME-2622 Uploading dialog box and progress bar RUNTIME-3922 Enables multiple files import in the back officeforgotten licence2 Jira issues
Thalya CorréThalya Corré
12717dce9bfRUNTIME-2622 Uploading dialog box and progress barRUNTIME-3922 Enables multiple files import in the back office2 Jira issues
Bérénice MaurelBérénice Maurel
07efd5917a6REPOSITORY-521 Add support of List<Expression> in And/OrExpressionREPOSITORY-521
Laurence AumeunierLaurence Aumeunier
26efab369a0EXPLORER-518 With a user with limited rights import ofAmetys.file.AbstractFileExplorerTree.FileNode is missingEXPLORER-518
Guillaume GouinGuillaume Gouin
f3d05d46330RUNTIME-3947 Use TikaProvider in the FileHelperRUNTIME-3947
Guillaume GouinGuillaume Gouin
01aea3c6958CMS-11901 migrate plugin.xml to 4.8 syntaxCMS-11901
Guillaume GouinMagali FranchetGuillaume Gouin
58ce7e5385bRUNTIME-3908 Add a filter to the parameter files toolRUNTIME-3908
Cédric DamioliCédric Damioli
8f2791393beRevert REPOSITORY-521 which completely break AmetysThis reverts commit 8295b10bf1de6b1167247c8fc0fac41c5ac25bbc.REPOSITORY-521
Bérénice MaurelBérénice Maurel
8295b10bf1dREPOSITORY-521 Add support of List<Expression> in And/OrExpressionREPOSITORY-521
Laurence AumeunierLaurence Aumeunier
bc29b0380d7EXPLORER-516 Search in the resource explorer toolEXPLORER-516
Guillaume GouinGuillaume Gouin
3c33d78f11dEXPLORER-515 CMIS root use wrong parent when fetching childEXPLORER-515
Guillaume GouinGuillaume Gouin
a78f491cbe8EXPLORER-514 Links to download CMIS files with mount point are brokentech reviewEXPLORER-514
Guillaume GouinGuillaume Gouin
d2e765e78ebEXPLORER-514 Links to download CMIS files with mount point are brokenEXPLORER-514
Guillaume GouinGuillaume Gouin
88a3734320eEXPLORER-513 Do not use the i18nUtils to translate text sent to clientEXPLORER-513
Guillaume GouinGuillaume Gouin
8ccf7c8cab4RUNTIME-3860 Allow to inspect assign profiles on all context for a userRUNTIME-3860
Caroline BayleCaroline Bayle
c797279b912Remove easy warnings
Magali FranchetMagali Franchet
1bc6b80e4a3[CMS-11740] Standardize icons used for cut actionCMS-11740
Laurie DurandLaurie Durand
28eedb8f2bdWORKFLOW-55 Edit workflowsWORKFLOW-55
Raphaël FranchetRaphaël Franchet
f2c7651dbaeRUNTIME-3801 UserTools should not be loaded when I do not have anyrights on itRUNTIME-3801
Magali FranchetRaphaël FranchetMagali Franchet
71bc632ad92CMS-9002 Reorganize ribbonCMS-9002
Cédric DamioliCédric Damioli
56a4afed3c3Upgrades 3rd party libs
Laurie DurandLaurie Durand
cd5638f3cf1Revert "WORKFLOW-65 improve UI in conditions and functions edition"This reverts commit 939ae1dbf348a409c56f5163ec55f4879f054dbe.WORKFLOW-65
Laurie DurandLaurie Durand
939ae1dbf34WORKFLOW-65 improve UI in conditions and functions editionWORKFLOW-65
Cédric DamioliCédric Damioli
Guillaume GouinGuillaume Gouin
Laurie DurandLaurie Durand
6dc6a07e3feWORKFLOW-51 Add a tool to display workflowsWORKFLOW-51
Cédric DamioliRaphaël FranchetCédric Damioli
047ee8c7c92RUNTIME-3703 Create tool to display the status of automatic upgradesRUNTIME-3703